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The Magic of Manifesting

I have been doing it my whole life. #acting. Like Jim Carrey said [a long-time role model of mine], "I really believe in the philosophy...

Poo Poo Point?

Today we went to Tiger Mountain Trailhead in Issaquah, Washington. Austin told me on the way to what is apparently "Poo Poo Point...

FTM Famous

Since I was a child, I loved being alone. Not feeling lonely, but being alone. The solitude of silence soothed me as an infant. In this...

Friday the 13th

It is Friday the 13th and I am feeling it in the air... maybe we all are. I just posted some pictures from the day this video was taken...

New to Seattle

Successfully, my fiance, two dogs, & two ferrets have relocated to Seattle, WA. We arrived July 7th from Wisconsin. The 2,000 mile drive...

It's Only the Beginning

When I was a child, I would go through phases of what I wanted to be when I got older. An auctioneer? Like my family. There was the CIA...

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